I’m feeling expansive.
When I think of my creative projects and career right now, I’m thinking forest, not trees.
As the saying goes: “Can’t see the forest for the trees,” which points to an inability to see the bigger picture because of a greater focus on the details.
This may be the little things going wrong or going right, and focusing on the details, of course, helps us improve whatever it is we’re doing or making. Good stuff.
However, this phrase is used when there comes a time, a need to see a broad perspective. To take stock. To zoom out. To ask yourself some of the bigger questions.
The first 6 months of this year have felt to me like trees. Details. Doing and making, being in it.
Now, I feel a calling and the ability to look up and pull back. Perhaps it’s the new moon in Aquarius and Venus retrograde in Leo right now.
Maybe you feel this too. The benefit of taking this time is in the great cycle of things. We must make, but we must also plan and continually set ourselves on a trajectory that aligns with our journey, and our goals.
3 questions you can ask yourself right now:
What do I really like to do or learn about?
Do I want to keep it to myself or share it with others?
How can I incorporate that into my daily or weekly routine?
If you already have a routine for doing what you like or do what you like for your j-o-b — that’s fantastic! What comes up for you — perhaps you want to shift gears, take a break, try out something new you enjoy for awhile.
As we know, new things are good for us.
The questions are meant to help you step out of the doing and making mindset and take some time to think about how you feel about them on a fundamental level.
Are you making for others or from your internal well of creativity and care?
Are you speaking to yourself and others in this space with intent and truth?
Are you here because you happen to be or because you want to be?
Once you take stock, seeing your forest and how it’s shaping up - what color it is, which way the wind is blowing through it, you can head back to your trees.
Your trees are where you will make your tweaks, change your mind, and turn slightly east instead of west. This is where you will keep a steady hand and continue breathing your unique light into your work.
Love these questions! I am about a year INTO a deep devotional integration WITH my Gifts. Shifting from purposeful invisibility to consciously crafted visibility. Listening with my Plant Council and my Spirit Guides and the Ecology of my Wholeness as I steward Weaving Wisdom INTO being. The way you are guiding feels so IN TUNE with what my heart knows is the way for many of us to cultivate attuned and in integrity paths of sharing our magic. Excited to learn more WITH your magic!